Organizing Entryways & Front Closets {Organization Challenge Day 15}

Welcome to day 15 of the challenge!  If you’ve missed any of the challenge so far, that’s ok – you can catch up anytime.  You can access the master list of all the challenges in this post here.

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It’s going to officially be Fall in a matter of days, and it may already feel like it depending on where abouts you are. So guess what that means? It’s time to rearrange the hall closet. Unless of course you have a nice big closet with room for coats, shoes and boots for all seasons. I for one though, have a very small front closet, so each season I need to go through everything and pull out what we aren’t using.

Here are some tips that I found helped us a lot:

  1. Get some sort of shoe rack or organizer. There are so many different kinds but the one we found best for our little closet was the shelf kind. We were able to get many pairs of shoes nicely stored on there. On either side there is a bit of extra space where we store our taller boots.
  2. Bins. Yes those handy bins again! I bought 3 bins for the top shelf when we moved in here 2 years ago: one was mine, one was Steve’s and one was for the dogs. Hmmm. Now that Ava has her own outerwear collection she now needs her own bin. So there will be 4 bins up there soon. All the little things go into the bin: gloves, earmuffs, etc. (You’re probably wondering what’s in the dogs bin right? No, I do not have earmuffs for my dogs. haha! However I do have an assortment of little fleece coats, vests and other outerwear for them. Also extra collars are in there too.)
  3. Over the door hooks are amazing and so useful for small spaces. I think we must have some over almost every door in our house! Well, just about! We have hooks mounted to the inside of the closet door which I use to hang scarves and those reusable grocery bags on. Also we hang our umbrellas on there as well. Then for the over the door ones, we hang the dogs leashes, the baby’s Ergo carrier, and then a couple sweaters or coats that we wear often.  Whatever we need to have easy and quick access too without having to open the closet door.
  4. As far as the coats inside the closet, I rotate them so we only have the ones we are currently using for that season. This way it doesn’t get cluttered and we still have room to hang guests coats in there when they are over. I store all the extras in a big rubbermaid bin in the laundry room.

For some amazing ideas on reorganizing your front entry way, check out our pinterest gallery here

3 thoughts on “Organizing Entryways & Front Closets {Organization Challenge Day 15}

  1. For me, I have to take it one day at a time with organzing and cleaning. Otherwise, I get so overwhelmed for no reason! lol.

  2. I have the tiniest closet ever! We can put a few coats, a pair of bad weather shoes/boots for each of us, an umbrella and a scarf or a couple hats. Thats it!

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