A Letter to My Daughters – A Man Worthy of You

letter-to-my-daughtersDear Daughters,

I have made several mistakes as a woman, wife and mother and like any other mother, I don’t want to see you go through the hurts I have.  To have to learn the lessons the hard way.  I want each of you to find God’s perfect mate for you.  I don’t want you to under value yourselves, or look for a man who only shows the outward appearances of the qualities below.

I know in our society it is easier to let go of a few of your ideals in order to date the guy who is good looking, or the guy with the better job.  But in the end, you are hurting yourself.  By letting go of what you know to be right, you will only end up with unhappiness.

You are so special, so wonderfully made, so uniquely made.  Made for one man, who is out there for you.  God has a plan for you, and if that plan includes a future with a spouse, God will bring you together.  You won’t have to work at finding him, you won’t have to settle for anything less than you deserve, you won’t have to accept anything less than God’s perfect plan for you.


I pray that you understand your worth, that you never settle, that you never give up on the qualities in a spouse that you deserve as Godly young women, future wives and future mothers.  I pray that  you learn to recognize these qualities in a man, and more that you see with open eyes and a open heart the lack of these qualities in any man you may be considering dating/courting or even marrying.

Both of you have seen what happens when you ignore any one of combination of these qualities.  A happy marriage or relationship is not made.  A life of strife, pain, hurt, bitterness and resentment can easily take hold.  Dear daughters, I pray that you find more happiness in your life than I have found in mine.  I pray that you will never have to settle for anything less than the perfection you deserve.

I Love You,


angelBecca-Janssen courtney-reikofski-1
A little about me, I am a mom of 6 children, three girls and three boys.  My daughters are 20, 17 and 1.  Each one is on a different path, in a different time of her life.  While the 1 year old isn’t anywhere close to even thinking about boys, the 17 and 20 year old are closer to being wives then being my little girls who thought boys were icky.  My oldest daughter is in a relationship that is on the brink of engagement.  The 17 year old has graduated high school with her purity completely intact, although several young men have tried over the last couple of years.

I worry that with societies influence my daughters will look for the wrong qualities, or not truly understand what each quality is.  A man can say they are many things, but a man with the true qualities live it every day in everything they do.  When they fall in love, I pray that they fall in love with a man who fit  these qualities.

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