Let’s Tackle that Fridge {Organization Challenge Day 14}

Welcome to day 14 of the challenge!  If you’ve missed any of the challenge so far, that’s ok – you can catch up anytime.  You can access the master list of all the challenges in this post here.

If you aren’t already signed up for this challenge, you can do so here: http://eepurl.com/EkqPz

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Today we will be cleaning out our refrigerators! Oh yay right? Trust me, it is always a great feeling when you open the fridge door to a sparkling clean and organized inside. I think cleaning my fridge was one of the only things that went right for me today! You can read about my day of chaos here. Just more of our life with a baby and a bunch of animals. Anyway, let’s get back to cleaning the fridge 🙂

Go ahead and haul that trash can right over to the fridge. I’ve mentioned it before, but I really LOVE to purge. It’s such a great feeling. With 3 adults & a baby in our house all sharing a fridge, it gets so incredibly packed full very quick. For example, we all drink different milk so there are 4 kids of milk in there. Crazy right?

So I started by taking everything out of the fridge, yes everything. I worked my way from the top down so as I took everything out, I checked the date on it. That eliminated quite a lot! Into the trash all the outdated stuff went!

Once you get everything out, then spray all the shelves with an all purpose cleaner and wipe everything down. I use the multi surface cleaner by the Honest Company, actually we use a lot of their products. They are awesome! What I like best is that they are all natural, safe to use around kids and pets, safe for the environment and they don’t test on animals. We’ve been using their products since before Ava was born.

Don’t forget to pull out those produce bins in the bottom and clean underneath them. I also filled both my bins with hot soapy water in the sink, let them sit for awhile then rinsed them out.

Once your fridge is all nice and clean, then go ahead and restock it. Try to put similar things together so you can easily find them.

Here are the before and after pictures of our fridge.


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